Daily Batman: The Goddamn Batman.

I think I’ve referred to this title a time or two, but here is the origin of “the goddamn Batman” line.

All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder, written by Frank goddamn Miller (Sin fucking City, 3cuntface00, Dareshit-fuck-christ-pissdevil).

Perhaps the book’s single most infamous moment occurred when Miller’s gritty style of dialogue led the title character to introduce himself to Grayson as “the Goddamn Batman.” The phrase went on to become something of a meme among comic book fans for its perceived comedic value,[11] and has, since its sudden fame, been repeated at least once in nearly every subsequent issue of the comic. According to reviewer Brett Weiss, the line “drew derision from fans and critics alike”. (the wiki)

Oh, Frank Miller. I may get mad or sneer at you from time to time, but I swar to gar, things like this make it impossible not to love you. Thanks to that outre bit of forced tough-guy dialogue, a whole new world of wonderful jokes have erupted. I for one am grateful.

Thanks, buddy!

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