Posts Tagged ‘bondage’

Daily Batman: Strong legs

August 30, 2010

via comicallyvintage on the tumblr.

Tightly clamped legs is just what the doctor ordered, eh, Bruce? I suppose Dr. Wertham would make much of this, but sometimes a boy dangling from a chain and riding you is just a boy dangling from a chain and riding you.

Advice: Ellen Von Unwerth extremely NSFW edition

November 16, 2009

I am off to once again attempt to set off soosh bombasticos with the Gentleman, but soon I will have the time to go in-depth on one of my favorite photographers and a former lovely and talented model herself, the awesome Ellen Von Unwerth. Here are pictures from her book Revenge, along with quotes from an interview with author David Bowman.

Ellen Von Unwerth: “It’s good to shock. It’s not good to always be careful. It’s good to disturb a little.”

David Bowman: Have you yourself ever been handcuffed naked to a radiator?

EVU: [Laughs.] No. In every picture there is something personal. Even in the casting — there’s something about a girl. There is always something personal. Do you mean, “Do I get tied up every day?” No. [Laughs.] That’s not the case. When I was a child we would be playing, you know, “You are the slave.” “You are the queen.” “You are mean.” You know, it’s like fairytale.

David Bowman: How did “Revenge” come about?

EVU: I wanted to tell a story almost like a movie. I wanted to do something erotic with girls I knew would have fun doing it. So I wrote this little story and then I photographed it. I booked the girls like a movie cast. Everyone had a character. The guy also. I showed them a script, little drawings. And had them play out little scenes.

David Bowman: Was it fun being so wicked?

EVU: It was very much fun, for the girls and for me.