Posts Tagged ‘scan’

Yesterday’s News and Burroughs Month: Double inaugural editions and an introduction

September 9, 2010

Mexico, September 8, 1951 — The Daily News reports that, in a drinking game which turned tragic, writer William S. Burroughs accidentally shot wife Joan Vollmer fatally in the head. He was aiming for the glass of gin on top of her head.

William Seward Burroughs, 37, first admitted, then denied today that he was playing William Tell when his gun killed his pretty, young wife during a drinking party last night.

via Le Revérénd Docteur right here on the wordpress.

Apparently William S. Burroughs was also a heroin addict and later threw out being bi and went whole-hog homosexual, being one of the first to identify as “queer” and reclaim the word as positive. The latter I’m way down for and think is great, the former …? — I don’t get how people can be addicted to heroin and still live long and functioning lives. Heroin addicts, clue me in on how this is possible? Seems so inescapably destructive a drug that it kind of puzzles me. I suppose having a lot of money helps. Then you don’t engage in all the risky behaviors poorer addicts do in order to acquire money to buy the drug. This is speculation: I am neither well-off nor a heroin addict. I like to try and take a “never say never” approach to life but I feel safe asserting that I will probably never be either.

I’ve used this picture before, but I cannot get enough of Burroughs’ delightfully priggish and pedantic expression. Looking straight down his nose at Kerouac and no doubt both laced to the gills. 1953, Greenwich Village.

I say “apparently,” about those factoids from his life story because, you guys, it’s super embarassing and inexplicable, but I know pretty much zip about William S. Burroughs. I don’t know how it happened, but seriously — virtually zip. I don’t even know if I’ll like all that I plan to read by him, but I was idly flipping through my millions of pictures and run across the scan of the newspaper clipping. I decided that the coincidence of a) searching for someone new to focus on this month; b) toying with an idea for a feature called Yesterday’s News that would be news out of history that had also literally been printed the day before the present date, rather than the more hackneyed “on this date in history…” etc, and c) finding something on Burroughs that’d been published yesterday in history* was too much synchronicity to ignore. So today marks the beginning of Burroughs Month. Welcome!

To be clear: Joan Vollmer was killed September 7. The article is dated September 8, and is the “yesterday’s news” to which the category will henceforth refer. This is partly a “how good am I at searching archives” challenge as well.

edit: Please read the comments, where DaveW takes us to school in re: heroin and Ms. Vollmer. Thanks for the info and insights, Dave!

Liberated Negative Space o’ the Day: Ghost World Half-Day edition

June 12, 2010

Art by Daniel Clowes scanned by my lazy ass from Ghost World (Fantagraphics, 1997).

Super-breaking news: Kate Beckinsale and Zooey Deschanel in Absolut Vodka ads shot by Ellen Von Unwerth

December 3, 2009

There is nothing about putting this post together that I don’t like. Ellen Von Unwerth photographed Kate Beckinsale and Zooey Deschanel for the new Absolut Vodka campaign. Pics debuted yesterday. First look at what I can find of the ads so far, three photos of Kate Beckinsale have been released with drink recipes so far and one of Zooey D, will keep you updated if I find more as this story unfolds! Quotes below the ads are overwrought blurbs from the press release.

Kate Beckinsale photographed by Ellen Von Unwerth for Absolut vodka.

• Beckinsale channels the 1980s as she is inspired by the lime garnish that can work in many lightly-mixed drinks in the ABSOLUT Tonic Twist ad. A second look at the ad reveals details that the swirls initially hide and the turn table and records give a musical theme to the ambience.

Kate Beckinsale photographed by Ellen Von Unwerth for Absolut vodka.

• In the ABSOLUT Crush ad, Beckinsale is larger than life, walking through a Miami-like city, home of sunshine and oranges. “Crush” is another way of saying “squeeze,” for fresh-squeezed juice.

By the way, once I saved these for myself from various official channels, I edited and scaled them to be extra-large for you, so click through to save the big versions.

Zooey Deschanel photographed by Ellen Von Unwerth for Absolut vodka.

• In the ABSOLUT Cosmo ad, Deschanel adds a science-fiction flair to the traditional ABSOLUT® CITRON cocktail in a retro-hip yet modern lounge as she plays the role of a “cosmo”-naut.

Kate Beckinsale photographed by Ellen Von Unwerth for Absolut vodka.

• There are many versions of the Bloody Mary legend with all of them involving calling Mary’s ghost while chanting into a mirror. In the ABSOLUT Bloody ad, Beckinsale brings the character to life as a stylish and mischievous temptress – one who won’t be contained.

Man. Two of my favorite actresses, shot by my favorite photographer, advertising a beverage which gets you one of my favorite things (*whisper*: d-r-u-n-k).

This is truly a red letter day!